How many Rashi’s are there in Astrology? Explore Gemstone Recommendation for every Rashi (Zodiac Sign).

In astrology, there are 12 Rashi, also known as zodiac signs. These are fundamental to both Western and Vedic (Indian) astrology. Each Rashi corresponds to one of the 12 segments of the ecliptic plane, the apparent path of the Sun across the sky over the course of a year.

Astrological gemstone Recommendation are based on an individual's Rashi (zodiac sign) to harness positive planetary influences and mitigate negative ones. Each gemstone is associated with a particular planet, and wearing it can help balance the energies in one's life. Here are the basic gemstone recommendations for each Rashi, along with their Western astrology equivalents and explanations for why these gemstones are suggested:

  • Mesh (Aries)
      • Dates: Approximately March 21 - April 19
      • Element: Fire
      • Symbol: Ram
      • Primary Gemstone: Red Coral (Moonga)
      • Why: Red Coral is associated with Mars, the ruling planet of Aries. Mars represents energy, courage, and vitality. Wearing Red Coral can enhance these qualities, providing strength and confidence to the wearer.
  • Vrishabh (Taurus)
      • Dates: Approximately April 20 - May 20
      • Element: Earth
      • Symbol: Bull
      • Primary Gemstone: Diamond (Heera) or White Sapphire or White Zircon
      • Why: Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus, symbolizing love, beauty, and luxury. Diamonds or White Zircon, linked to Venus, can bring harmony, artistic talents, and financial prosperity.
  • Mithun (Gemini)
      • Dates: Approximately May 21 - June 20
      • Element: Air
      • Symbol: Twins
      • Primary Gemstone: Emerald (Panna)
      • Why: Mercury rules Gemini, representing communication, intellect, and adaptability. Emerald, the gemstone of Mercury, can enhance mental clarity, eloquence, and learning abilities.
  • Kark (Cancer)
      • Dates: Approximately June 21 - July 22
      • Element: Water
      • Symbol: Crab
      • Primary Gemstone: Pearl (Moti)
      • Why: The Moon, ruling Cancer, influences emotions, intuition, and nurturing qualities. Pearls, associated with the Moon, can stabilize emotions, enhance intuition, and promote peace of mind.

  • Simha/sinh (Leo)
      • Dates: Approximately July 23 - August 22
      • Element: Fire
      • Symbol: Lion
      • Primary Gemstone: Ruby (Manik)
      • Why: The Sun rules Leo, symbolizing leadership, vitality, and creativity. Ruby, linked to the Sun, can boost confidence, vitality, and leadership abilities, helping Leos shine in their endeavours.

  • Kanya (Virgo)
      • Dates: Approximately August 23 - September 22
      • Element: Earth
      • Symbol: Maiden
      • Primary Gemstone: Emerald (Panna)
      • Why: Mercury also rules Virgo, emphasizing analytical skills, attention to detail, and practicality. Emerald can enhance these qualities, aiding in clear thinking, precision, and effective communication.

  • Tula (Libra)
      • Dates: Approximately September 23 - October 22
      • Element: Air
      • Symbol: Scales
      • Primary Gemstone: Diamond (Heera) or White Sapphire or White Zircon
      • Why: Venus rules Libra, focusing on balance, relationships, and aesthetics. Diamonds or White Sapphires or White Zircon can bring harmony in relationships, enhance artistic talents, and attract luxury.

  • Vrishchik (Scorpio)
      • Dates: Approximately October 23 - November 21
      • Element: Water
      • Symbol: Scorpion
      • Primary Gemstone: Red Coral (Moonga)
      • Why: Mars also rules Scorpio, influencing passion, determination, and transformation. Red Coral can boost courage, resilience, and determination, helping Scorpios navigate challenges effectively.

  • Dhanu (Sagittarius)
      • Dates: Approximately November 22 - December 21
      • Element: Fire
      • Symbol: Archer
      • Primary Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
      • Why: Jupiter rules Sagittarius, representing wisdom, expansion, and good fortune. Yellow Sapphire, associated with Jupiter, can enhance wisdom, attract prosperity, and promote spiritual growth.

  • Makar (Capricorn)
      • Dates: Approximately December 22 - January 19
      • Element: Earth
      • Symbol: Goat
      • Primary Gemstone: Blue Sapphire (Neelam)
      • Why: Saturn rules Capricorn, symbolizing discipline, responsibility, and perseverance. Blue Sapphire, linked to Saturn, can enhance focus, discipline, and success in long-term goals.

  • Kumbh (Aquarius)
      • Dates: Approximately January 20 - February 18
      • Element: Air
      • Symbol: Water Bearer
      • Primary Gemstone: Blue Sapphire (Neelam)
      • Why: Saturn also rules Aquarius, influencing innovation, humanitarianism, and independence. Blue Sapphire can support these traits, aiding in clear thinking, progressive actions, and achieving unique goals.

  • Meen (Pisces)
      • Dates: Approximately February 19 - March 20
      • Element: Water
      • Symbol: Fish
      • Primary Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)
      • Why: Jupiter also rules Pisces, emphasizing spirituality, compassion, and expansion. Yellow Sapphire can enhance spiritual awareness, compassion, and overall well-being.

How to Choose and Wear Gemstones

  • Authenticity: Ensure that the gemstones are natural and of high quality. Synthetic or treated stones may not have the same beneficial effects.
  • Astrological Consultation: It's advisable to consult a knowledgeable astrologer to get personalized recommendations based on your complete birth chart.
  • Proper Setting and Metal: Gemstones should be set in specific metals that enhance their properties. For example, Yellow Sapphire is often set in gold, while Blue Sapphire is typically set in silver or gold.
  • Wearing Protocol: Follow proper wearing protocols, such as the correct day, time, and rituals, to activate the gemstone's energies effectively.
Generally Gemstone recommendations based on Rashi offer a practical and effective way to align with astrological influences, promoting personal growth, prosperity, and spiritual well-being. By wearing the appropriate gemstone, individuals can enhance their strengths, mitigate challenges, and lead a more harmonious life according to Vedic astrological principles.

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